BC Animal Owners Association represents animal owners who want the freedom to access non-veterinary animal health practitioners who provide veterinary care services that are complementary to veterinary care.
We believe qualified practitioners should have the right to practice as regulated and certified professionals – to be respected for their quality contribution to the health and wellness of our animals and pets.
Only veterinarians can perform ‘veterinary medicine’. Statutes with the Vet Act (2010) and certain bylaws of the CVBC restrict cooperation between veterinarians and non-veterinary practitioners.
The CVBC has authority to take legal action against non-veterinary practitioners, because the law dictates that these non-veterinary practitioners are practicing ‘veterinary medicine'.
The objective is to create a 'place' within the current law so that non-veterinary practices are outside the definition of 'veterinary medicine'.
The solution proposed to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries is to make changes within the Veterinarians Act of BC (2010) to allow complementary non-veterinary therapies, followed by changes to some specific bylaws within the College of Veterinarians of BC (CVBC) that removes the responsibility for CVBC oversight.
​​We are grateful for the ongoing support of our sponsors.
If you are a business and would like to be a sponsor, please contact us.​